Parma se pregătește să transfere un nou fotbalist român, cu dublă cetățenie, care să le fie coleg „tricolorilor” aflați deja în lot, Dennis Man și Valentin Mihăilă. Anunțul a fost făcut chiar de patronul echipei, […] The post Transfer la Parma pentru fotbalistul român cu dublă cetățenie. Coleg pentru Man şi Mihăilā appeared first on Prosport.
The text discusses the transfer of a Romanian footballer with dual citizenship to the Parma soccer club. It also mentions "Man şi Mihăilā" (likely the footballer's name and another associated individual), who might be his teammates or agents.
This suggests the core concept is about the acquisition of a Romanian footballer by Parma, possibly accompanied by some mention of a teammate or relationship with someone named Man şi Mihăilā.
The text discusses the transfer of a Romanian footballer with dual citizenship to the Parma soccer club. It also mentions "Man şi Mihăilā" (likely the footballer's name and another associated individual), who might be his teammates or agents. This suggests the core concept is about the acquisition of a Romanian footballer by Parma, possibly accompanied by some mention of a teammate or relationship with someone named Man şi Mihăilā.